Monday, April 13, 2009


A good way to make some extra money at home is with online auctions.

It sounds good but what do you do after you clean everything out of your garage and you have nothing left to sell?

This is where you have to get a little creative and find something that works for you.

I suggest starting with garage and yard sales in your area.

There are still a lot of people not comfortable with selling online or they don't want to take the time to do it.

This situation presents you with a nice little ongoing source of products you can buy and resale.

Make a regular routine of bird dogging garage and yard sales and you will begin to find many interesting and valuable treasures that can be bought very cheaply

If you are serious about the online auction business try going to the sales as they are ending and make an offer for all that's left for a flat fee.

Garage and yard sales offer great buying deals and you don't have to travel very far to get them and after you master this type sale you can move up to estate sales.

CLICK HERE for more money making ideas.

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